Four Common Mistakes To Avoid After a Car Accident
The aftermath of a car accident can be quite chaotic, especially if you have injuries. However, you’ll want to avoid some of the most common errors people make. Here are four common mistakes to avoid after a car accident.
Turning Down a Medical Exam
One of the most common errors our law office in Oklahoma City sees car accident victims make is turning down a medical exam after the crash. Some people might even tell the police and the other driver they have no injuries.
Without an official doctor’s exam, it’s difficult to prove whether any injuries that show up later are a direct result of the accident. Some car crash injuries don’t manifest obvious symptoms until several hours or a few days later. Always let a doctor examine you after the crash to spot symptoms early.
Admitting Fault Right Away
Although you may feel bad about what happened in a car accident, one of the most important after-crash guidelines is not admitting fault. Do not apologize for any of your actions. Police officers will investigate the crash and determine the fault. While you should answer their questions honestly, don’t blame yourself for the crash. Other circumstances potentially led to the accident that you may not know about until later. Let the police and your car accident injury lawyers investigate the case to determine fault.
Not Calling Police
If you’re wondering what to avoid after a collision, one of the most important things is not letting the other driver talk you into keeping the police out of it. If the other driver doesn’t have insurance or was drinking before the accident, that driver may beg you not to call the police. Never give in to this request. Without an official police report of the crash, you likely will struggle to win an injury claim later.
You may not want to bother the police with what seems like a minor crash, as you may believe they are busy investigating serious and fatal car accidents. However, you could develop injuries a day or two after what seems like a minor car accident, so you need to call the police to protect yourself.
Posting on Social Media
When looking to avoid post-accident mistakes, don’t post about the crash on social media. The insurance company could use anything you post to show you were at fault or that your injuries were not severe. Stay off social media after a crash to preserve your chances of winning an injury lawsuit.
Trust Our Car Accident Attorneys for Help With Your Claim
If you have concerns over mistakes to avoid after a car accident, count on Owens Law Office for help. We’ll alert you to the post-accident procedures you should follow to help you recover your health and keep your chance of winning an injury award alive.
For a free case review and more advice on things to do after a car accident, call our firm today at 405-608-0708 or complete our online form.